1. Regular Reapplication Appointments: Reapplication appointments are a must to keep your extensions in top shape. Extensions should not stay in the same place for too long, as this could cause damage to your natural hair. Reapplying extensions in the recommended time frame ensures they stay cl...
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We’re thrilled to announce that our shelves are now stocked with Living Proof hair care products – and trust us, your hair is going to thank you.
If you haven’t heard of Living Proof before (where have you been?!), let us introduce you. Living Proof isn’t just another haircare brand; it’s the...
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As haircare lovers we all are obsessed with hair growth but for some reason scalp care is not spoken about enough as the scalp serves as the foundation for hair growth.
Healthy scalp = healthy hair
Do you suffer with excema, psoris, dry scalp, itchiness or even you can feel like your hair doesn’t...
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