Microbead Extension Removal
Easy steps to remove the extensions.
🌸 brush hair thoroughly before removing.
🌸section the hair in 3 sections, 2 sides and the back.
🌸 beginning at the nape of the neck you will see the bead is clamped flat. You will need to open the bead in the opposite direction to open it.
🌸 ensure it is fully opened. Now from the bottom of the extension, pull the hair down and push the bead up.
🌸 take the bead out of the hair
🌸 what you will see now is what we call build up. It will appear to be a build up of hair. You will need to remove the with the pin tail part of your comb and just tease it.
🌸it is now so important to go in with your belle brush and remove the build up down the lengths of the hair.
🌸 the same method is followed for removing every extension.
Please remember when removing the extensions the hair you see come out is completely normal and this would happen even of you were getting them removed in the salon. This is due to the hair naturally shedding hair every day and the bead not allowing it to fall out naturally.
💕 it is completely normal to feel that your hair is much thinner when you remove your extensions you have been used two double even triple the amount of hair over a period of time and now that’s gone . Remember how thick and heavey your extensions felt on the first day of application that feeling you have gotten use to becomes normal so when you remove them it is a bit of a shock but don’t worry you will feel back to normal in 2/3 weeks
💕 if you are reusing your extensions please keep them in bundles of where they came from and keep them neatly to bring back in to us