Color Wow Coconut Cocktail Bionic Tonic - 200ml

  • €22,40
  • €28,00

Coconut-infused Dream Cocktail is a leave-in treatment that turns blow-drying from a hair stressing session into a rich re-hydrating treatment.

Vital, natural nutrients (like coconut oil) are activated by heat to smooth, silken and improve the overall quality of every strand.

Use every time you blow-dry to restore silky suppleness and a glossy, hydrated finish to your hair.
(Optional: you can apply Kale-infused Dream Cocktail first to strengthen hair by 50%)


Healthy, virgin hair strands are surrounded by a lipid membrane layer. (It’s made up of a unique molecule, 18-MEA.) This layer locks in moisture and keeps cuticles tight, so your hair strand surfaces are smooth, sleek and move without friction. But, heat-styling and color processing can destroy this layer, leaving your hair rough, dry and straw-like.

Coconut-infused Dream Cocktail, mimics and replaces the lost lipid layer with a proprietary complex made up of 18-MEA and coconut oil. Your hair is transformed into a smooth, healthy glossy surface and has renewed swing.